Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Alternate Pitch…

Let’s Get It On Or Else:

Just imagine…A group of friends who hang out everyday. Everything is normal in there lives. Lee, the fat gay guy obsessed with his personal appearance, Michael, a skinny guy struggling with coming out of the closet yet his sexuality is obvious to everyone around him, Anna, the problem solver who can make a dying man who has just been shot three times laugh and dance with her, Will, the trickster constantly playing rude jokes to which only he thinks are funny, and I guess I can also mention he is gay too, and Natalie, an over eccentric girl who exaggerates about almost everything.

They are doing there usual stuff when weird things begin to happen. Natalie witnesses a murder of one of her friends, who is supposedly out of town.

Of course no one believes her, yet the killer seems to play on her conscious, whispering sweet nothings in her ear, dancing just on the edge of her periph.

The killer becomes braver and braver allowing herself to be seen by almost all of the friends. The usual action is always the same with some variations. It typically goes down with the killer desperately attempting to seduce her victim. Of course this is difficult when all her victims have no sexual interest in her because they are gay, not to mention the fact that all the gay men have a serious problem with her attire. She thinks she is being sneaky with a darth vader mask, hoodie, and a pair of tights. That shit does not match.

There is a twist in the story upon revealing the identity of the killer that shocks everyone. Or at least whoever is still alive.

See me if you would like more information about Let’s Get It On Or Else.

1 comment:


    just go to this link and download the file, once it's on the computer all you have to do is bring the inside folder outside of the zipped one and the images will be able to be used
