Wednesday, February 17, 2010

extra skin pitch

Although as provocative as some of these images seem, this film will be PG 13 and nothing close to this degree of nudity.

This film illustrates the sexuality of a strained relationship.

The man is narrow minded. He only thinks of his desires and how to obtain them without any consideration of others around him. Basically he believes he is the shit. He wants to be high. High on everything like alcohol, pills, cigarettes, and sex. He is in search of constant satisfaction.

There are glimpses that give the woman chances to believe that he is still in love, that he might change, and the relationship has a chance to be what it once was long ago.

On the other side of the spectrum, the woman in this film is weak and kneels down to certain influences. She struggles with the idea of leaving this man because his ways are unhealthy. Yet she can’t seem to find the power to leave, so instead she allows herself to become victim to his every demand.

It’s like having sex with an ex. You know that nothing is going to change yet there is still that weird sexual drive with a lack of true love yet full of deep emotion.

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