Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sadow puppet pitch

In this film, we want to recreate the allegory of the cave by Plato, using mainly shadow puppets. The allegory of the cave is a metaphor for reflective thinking and the journey an individual must take in order to reach that way of thought. Shadow puppets of prisoners in a cave will be shown with flickering light behind them. The only world these people know is that of the shadows they see before them. They are created from what goes on directly outside the cave. Chains prevent their heads from looking back to see what is creating these shadows, but for them it is irrelevant. These people believe shadows are the real world and that is exactly what we want to portray, a two dimensional word made of shadows that show exactly how these people experienced life. There is a point where one of the prisoners breaks free and ventures out into the sunlight. He is finally able to experience life as it should be and now pities the ignorant prisoners for what they do not know. The 2D shadow world will transform to real life when the prisoner breaks free. Only then will he be shown as a real person in a true environment.

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