Wednesday, January 27, 2010


This video arrived out of pure desperation. I was driving home from school, bored out of my mind from being tired of listening to the same old music with nothing to do except smoke. Then I began to think of how I could transform this boring drive into something more interesting. I took a lot of short video clips using my digital camera of different things I see and notice while driving. I had to use windows movie maker to do all the editing. I chose the music before I started to bring in the clips. By doing this first I was able to get a feel of how the videos would play out. The musical piece used in this is Trance by Chris Hale.

The clip is constantly in motion and lit only by headlights and streetlights. It is fast paced, dreamlike, and somewhat seductive. I think the bright colors add to the futuristic feel of the piece.

Stop Motion Video:

The stop motion video just kind of played out piece by piece. I had the idea, the location, and the people. The object was to create the stop motion by allowing slight movement between each shot. It took 326 pictures to capture this. The five minute distance from point a to point b turned into a two and a half hour trip. The rain was incidental but I loved how it added to the video. All the frames were edited using photoshop. It was challenging working with such a large file in photoshop. Saving and exporting seemed to take up more time than anything else.